mémoire principale - traduction vers Anglais
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mémoire principale - traduction vers Anglais

Mémoire 44; Memoir 44; Mémoire '44; Memoire 44; Memoire '44
  • Memoir '44

mémoire principale      
n. working memory, RAM and ROM memory together (Computers)




Memoir '44

Memoir '44 is a light wargame, or war-themed strategy board game, for two players created by Richard Borg, published in 2004 by Days of Wonder and illustrated by Julien Delval and Cyrille Daujean. The game can also be played with up to six players if played in teams and up to eight players in the "Overlord" scenarios that require two copies of the game. It received the 2004 International Gamers Award for General Strategy, 2-Player category and The Wargamer 2004 Award for Excellence. The game is published in English and French (as Mémoire 44) by Days of Wonder.

Memoir '44 simulates over a dozen of the battles connected with the D-Day invasions in World War II. It uses an enhanced version of the same Command & Colors game system as found in Battle Cry.